

放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2020-05-20 12:29:45 来源:自媒体 作者:光明网

原标题:Writing responsibility in fight epidemic and pursuing ideal in struggle

Youth, always in the motherland and the people's most needed place to bloom brilliant flowers. In the past, some people said that they were the generation of cute; now, they have become the main force in the anti epidemic line. During the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, a large number of young medical staff were brave to go back to the world, practicing their responsibilities, responsibilities and missions. Thousands on thousands of post-90s and 00 after the battle were on the fronts of construction sites, communities, factories and transportation security. The vast number of young people have proved by their actions that the Chinese youth in the new era are good and worthy of great responsibility!

Writing responsibility in fight epidemic

"When it comes to selfishness, I am the one who has love to protect. When it comes to faith, I will never look back... ". This is a letter from Qu Hui, a post-90s Liaoning nurse who came to Wuhan to her mother."It's my duty to trust my family and country. I'm not alone in the fight." Cai Bifeng, Wu Weiqiang, Wu Lirong and you Lanlan, four nurses of Fujian post-90s, left messages before they left.

Fearing hardship, life and death, fighting against "epidemic", this is the courage of the first generation of young calves not afraid of tigers.According to statistics, since new year's Eve, 12000 doctors and nurses from the "post-90s" and "post-00s" in "retrograde" Hubei Province, close to one third of all medical and nursing staff in Hubei Province.In addition, there are many "post-90s" behind the scenes heroes fighting at the grassroots level.They are the grassroots cadres who sink the front line, implement group prevention and control, the people's police who maintain order and go all out to build a safety barrier, "where we need to, we will go" volunteers, who shuttle in the streets and lanes and serve the residents' lives. They are vigorous, spirited, selfless and courageous in taking on responsibilities, and they offer their own light and heat in the front line of anti epidemic.

If the young generation has ideals, abilities and responsibilities, the country will have a future and the nation will have hope.At the beginning of the outbreak, a question about "what can your major do for anti epidemic" was posted on the Weibo. A post-90s clinical medicine graduate student, on the first day of the new year, replied to the message at 2:00 p.m., using his own professional knowledge to analyze the condition, so that everyone can reduce panic.Students from China University of political science and law spontaneously organized the "epidemic prevention and Law Popularization" micro class to answer the legal knowledge related to epidemic prevention and control. It is the responsibility of the young generation at a critical time not to fight the epidemic for fame and gain, not for gain or loss.

A sudden epidemic is like a "big test". As the respondents, the young people of the new era have submitted a satisfactory answer to the country and the people.

Pursue ideal in struggle

For young people, passing the "big test" is not the end of struggle, but a new beginning.The epidemic has disrupted the pace of the whole society and cast a shadow on the future that many young people could have seen.This year, there will be 8.74 million graduates from ordinary colleges and universities across the country. In addition, the graduates who left the University in previous years without employment will face great pressure on employment.Young people should always have a sense of crisis of panic and lack of ability, constantly temper their ideals and beliefs, and increase their abilities in practice.

The epidemic is bound to pass. The fundamentals of long-term economic growth have not changed, but your current attitude and actions may affect your future.In this special period, some people fell into hesitation and pain, others rose later and turned to look for new career opportunities.For example, under the power of digital technology, the "home at home" passive lifestyle has given birth to the popularity of online business and cloud economy.Those graduates who can play live broadcast, understand E-sports and master certain Internet technology should be the "Darling" of the market.

Young people, who are at the forefront of the times, have new ideas and courage to face difficulties and write their own growth stories.At present, all departments are fully implementing the tasks of ensuring the employment of residents and the basic livelihood of the people, and striving to overcome the adverse effects of the epidemic.For example, education authorities in Guizhou, Shaanxi, Beijing and other places have issued notices to arrange universities to launch online recruitment activities and implement online recruitment.On May 6, the "one hundred day dash" for the employment of college graduates in 2020 jointly sponsored by the Ministry of education, the Ministry of human resources and social security, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission, the Central Radio and television station, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and other six departments was officially launched. At the launching ceremony, ten special actions were launched to promote the employment and Entrepreneurship of college graduates.

There are still a lot of opportunities. For this year's graduates, although the way to find a job is slightly tortuous, they should remain optimistic, make the best use of online recruitment platform, fully understand the employment promotion policies issued by the state and local governments, pay more attention to the new jobs with surging market demand due to the epidemic situation and technological development, and actively improve their job-hunting competitiveness.

No matter how the times develop and change, struggle is always the key to dream. Compared with our predecessors, we have more abundant material conditions, more convenient learning channels and more free growth space. There is no reason to shrink back. In every ordinary day, in every ordinary post, we will integrate the spirit of struggle into the young blood. What we gain must be unrepentant youth. What meets us must be a great future.

[责任编辑: WPY ]

